Transfer Hub
ECU’s Transfer Hub is your one-stop to plan, apply, discover, enroll, engage, and succeed in Pirate Nation.
Questions you can’t find the answers to in the hub? Email!
ECU Credit Connector
ECU’s Credit Connector is for potential ECU students to explore how their credits will apply to up to 3 different majors.
Pro tip: Make sure you type in your course as subject and course number as it appears on your transcript to get the best results!
Transfer Tours & Events
Find out where and when you can learn more about ECU through in-person and virtual options.
Transfer Admissions
View transfer dates & deadlines by visiting the Admissions webpage.
Pirate Promise
Explore the benefits of and apply for Pirate Promise—ECU’s transfer program designed for North Carolina Community College students at partner institutions.
Honors College
Did you know ECU’s Honors College accepts 10 transfer students for its scholarship program each fall?
Learn more about the eligibility and application process here!
Who Should I Contact?
Unsure who you should email about your application, transfer questions, or even graduation? Click here for some common things students ask about and which ECU email accounts can answer!
Submitting Official Transcripts
Find out where to send your official transcripts based on your student type.
UNC System Transfer Guides
As part of the UNC System, ECU provides Transfer Guides for North Carolina Community College students completing an Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Engineering, Associate in Fine Arts, Associate in Arts Teacher Preparation, and Associate in Science Teacher Preparation. Available through CFNC, these guides help students take the best courses at their community college to transfer into their ECU major.
AAS Transfer Plans
We’re making updates–check back soon to explore how you can turn your Associate in Applied Science into a Bachelor’s degree with ECU!
Bi-lateral and Uniform Articulation Agreements
To adhere to North Carolina General Assembly guidelines, these are currently unavailable while we edit them. Please check back soon!
Reverse Transfer
Not completing your Associate in Arts or Associate in Science before transferring to ECU? Learn more about how to obtain those degrees after transferring to ECU.
Military Transfer
Are you active duty or a veteran? Find out more about transferring your military credits to ECU.
The Credit Evaluation Process
Click here to learn how and when your transfer credit is officially evaluated as an ECU student.
North Carolina Community College Student Transfer Information
To adhere to North Carolina General Assembly guidelines, these are currently unavailable while we edit them. Please check back soon!
North Carolina Community College & CAA Transfer Course List
If you are transferring from a North Carolina Community College, this list displays the transfer equivalencies for all CAA approved transfer courses.
ECU Course Equivalency Look-up
ECU’s Course Equivalency Look-up allows you to view currently articulated transfer credit by school.
Official review of transfer credit is done during the application process, once official transcripts are received.
Transfer Credit Appeals
Need to request a re-evaluation of your official Credit Evaluation?
Want to see if your 1XXX or 2XXX course can transfer as something more specific?
Did you follow the CAA or CNS and have questions?
Click here!
General Education Waiver
Students who complete a North Carolina Community College Associate in Arts or Associate in Science, and meet the specified requirements, may request a waiver for the General Education portion of their degree here.
Transfer Policies
Click here to read about our general transfer policies.
Alternative & Non-Traditional Credit
Find out more about alternative and non-traditional transfer credit like Credit for Prior Learning or Sophia Learning.
Transfer Student Dictionary
Have you ever wondered the difference between a baccalaureate and a bachelor’s degree?
Do you get stressed out hearing academic terminology?
This resource will assist you in learning what common academic terms mean, as well as how they will apply to your academic journey at ECU.
Uncommon Transfer Questions
These are the things you probably haven’t thought to ask!
Such as, what’s the difference between transfer-ability and applicability? Or, how do I print on campus?
Transfer Types
Did you know there are multiple types of transfer?
Click here to find out your transfer type, what that means, and discover resources at ECU.
Prime Pirates
Visit our Adult Learner site. Whether you want to finish what you started or start something new, ECU supports non-traditional/post-traditional students (including transfer students) in returning to school.
Find available resources and hear from students like you, our Prime Pirates!
Admitted Student Next Steps
Congratulations! You have been admitted to ECU. Now what?
Click here to view your Next Steps toward enrolling in courses.
Complete Orientation
Whether in-person or online, Transfer Student Orientation is mandatory and an important stop on mapping your journey at ECU.
If you are pursuing an online degree completion program, orientation is not required.
Academic Advising
Find your advisor here! You must meet with your advisor in order to register for classes.
Apply for Financial Aid and Scholarships
ECU offers scholarships, financial aid options, and other programs to help you concentrate on your education, not how you’re going to pay for it.
Quest Living Learning Community
Quest is a unique opportunity for transfer students who want to live on campus. Click to learn more!
The Pirate Experience
The Pirate Experience is your official place to join groups, explore service, and discover events.
Events Calendar
Explore all events by date.
Office of Student Transitions
The Office of Student Transitions provides a seamless transition from orientation through post-graduation through services and programs for all students.
Pirate Academic Success Center
The PASC offers free tutoring, study groups, academic skills coaching, peer academic success coaching, and learning communities for all ECU students.
Financial Wellness Hub
The ECU Financial Wellness Hub provides financial education, coaching, and resources.
TrACE Success Program
TrACE is a specialized academic success program for NC community college students who are enrolled with 60 credit hours or have completed their associate’s degree.
Click to learn more about the application process and how TrACE can help you succeed!