NCCCS CAA Transfer Course List

The North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS), with approval from the Transfer Advisory Committee (TAC), has approved the following courses for transfer under the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA).

Students should always check with their community college to ensure the course they’ve chosen is approved for their current program.

The left column lists the course as it appears at the NCCCS institution; the right column lists the ECU transfer equivalent if one has been articulated.

Courses with a transfer of 1XXX or 2XXX do not have a direct transfer equivalent at ECU; however, they do count for elective credit. Your advisor may also be able to petition a 1XXX or 2XXX course to substitute for a major requirement. For advisor contact information, click here.

For questions about transfer credit, email

For courses from a NCCCS institution that are not covered by the CAA, please view our ECU Course Equivalency Look-Up.